Who Else Wants to Become Ridiculously Productive?

Productivity is how effective you are at producing an end result. And being extremely productive seems almost impossible in a day and age where Netflix seduces us with entire seasons of epic shows like House of Cards, and Instagram taunts us with dreams of doing what everyone else is doing, and Youtube gets us with 3 minute videos of everything on the planet. But being productive at what you do, is imperative to building a successful life. 

For a long time, I thought productivity was just about being more focused but I never explored what that really meant. I spent more time focusing on why I couldnt concentrate on my work, and attempting to answer that question would often leave me completely paralyzed. This paralysis would grow as deadlines loomed over my head, leaving me stir-crazy until the project ended. And once the deadlines were met, all I wanted to do was nap for three days straight. After scrolling through my mini-feed, obviously.

So, in my brief moments of sanity, I decided to create a step-by-step guide on how to make my productivity both consistent and anxiety free. I hope this helps you as this continues to help me. 

1. Make a Master List

Productivity is often hardest when you know there is a lot to do and aren’t sure where to begin. Creating a master list means writing down every single thing thats floating around in your head. My master lists change once every couple of weeks and I add new things to it as they come.

2. Call it Quits on BS Tasks

Once you’ve made your master list, get yourself out of the things that dont actually serve you. If you consistently sign up to do things you think you should do, instead of things you actually want to do, you are going to feel miserable. This was and still is the hardest step for me, because its often easier to inconvenience yourself trying to make someone else happy.  Learning to excuse yourself from doing things that serve others while killing your soul should be seen as a huge victory. 

3. Get Excited

Everything left on that list should be things that get you excited or tasks with an end goal that will get you excited. BTW, you cant get rid of tasks that help you towards achieving your goal just because you don’t feel like doing them. For those tasks, you can either delegate that task, or you can just focus on the what, where and who. Here is what I mean I, for example, hate sending networking emails but I know that this is just something that I have to do in order to get the job I want. So instead of focusing on how soul depleting it will be to write that email, I choose to focus on what this is (a tool to help me get a job), who I am writing to ( I attempt to approach everyone I meet/write to as someone who wants to see me succeed and as someone whose success I can facilitate), and where (am I meeting them for coffee? Could I find something fun in that part of the activity?). 

4. Prioritize

Once you have a list of things you could get happy about doing, separate them into the matrix below (also known as the Stephen Covey time management grid). Make sure youre serious about what you consider urgent. i.e. that pedicure is not urgent, I promise you will get to it once you are done with your real work. 

5.Clean Up That List Girl

If something is urgent and important, take care of it immediately (not after you finish this episode, not after reading this post, DO IT IMMEDIATELY). Then write down the tasks that you should start either later in the day or tomorrow. Get rid of anything in the not-important-but-seemingly-urgent box or tasks that are just time wasters (Quadrants III and IV). 

6. Kick Ass

When later or tomorrow comes, do not call it quits until youve at least started on each of the tasks that you said were important but not urgent. There is a large possibility that this list is way bigger than the time you have to do it. If it is, shorten the list for tomorrow. I for example, used to have 8-10 things to do each day. After months of feeling like I could never keep up with my list, I try to stick to a list of 3-5 things that I try to get to each day. I also have friends who are super productive because they have a set list of things they MUST do and then a couple of other things they will try to accomplish if they have time at the end of the day. Something that usually comes up when most of us try to focus and do our work are distractions. Your phone buzzes, you notice you have a new email, you remember something that is important that you want to take care of before you forget. The good news is, these problems have solutions. First, turn your phone off (not airplane mode) if thats the biggest source of distraction. And if focusing while you are on your computer is where you struggle, consider these resources. Second, tape a sticky note to the edge of your laptop or your desk and write down any distracting thoughts that you know are important, but aren’t a priority at the moment. That way, youll make sure they aren’t forgotten about.

7. Take a Break

Unless something truly tragic happens, most days can have a lot of fun infused into them, but it wont always happen out of the blue you have to create it with intention. I usually work for 2 hour spurts and take a 30 minute break doing something fun, like getting coffee with my favorite coworkers, or looking up something interesting for the blog, or searching flights to a destination I’ve always dreamt of going. I try not to use all of those breaks to get on Instagram and Facebook because that just reinforces old habits, whereas doing something new or something with people I like improves the value of my time. 

*Try not to be a maniac with this rule on how long you should work before taking a break, if you are someone like me who gets addicted to your goals to the point of stress. The amount of time you should work between breaks is entirely up to you. And even though you should work for long enough that you are actually seeing progress in your work, some days that might be 25 minutes on and 5 minutes off while other days, its 2 hours on 30 minutes off. I think there is a way to remain extremely productive without being high strung. 

8.Treat Yo’ Self

If at the end of the week, youve gotten the things on your important and urgent/important list done, do something that you love to do. Go get that pedicure, watch 50 shades of grey, take a pole dancing class, whatever it is, just make sure you are happy to be doing it. 

In short, life can be fulfilling and fun but it takes a little bit of an effort; you dont have to be Type A to get a lot done. Do the things you’ve set as your goals without backing out on yourself. And if at times you feel you just cant focus, it might be time to re-evaluate what goal it is you are trying to achieve, and if its still something you want. Trust yourself enough to know that focusing on what youve considered important is worth your attention, but more importantly - Relax, life is meant to be enjoyed. 

And, in situations where none of this works, just do like Mindy and channel your inner Bey.

Little Known Ways to Revamp Your 2015 Goals- Despite Your Failed New Year’s Resolution

It's been three months since you made your New Year's Resolution. How are you feeling about what you committed to do? Even though I never really resolved to do anything, I spoke with a couple of friends at a New Year’s Eve party about things I really wanted to make happen this year. One of those things was saving up enough money to travel for at least one month this summer. Despite my grad student lifestyle, I was doing great through all of January… until I went out one too many times, paid for one too many brunches or decided I needed that dress in my life one too many times...and like magic, I was no longer on track towards achieving my goal. 

If your plans didn't stick, don't you worry my little pumpkin, We’re gonna do some trouble shooting today.  First, lets get rid of the notion that you were ever going to get up and decide to do something one day without ever going back to your bad habits... because that is a lie. That never happens.

Here is how greatness is made: You RESOLVE TO UPGRADE your life in one shape or form. You make a PLAN and take steps towards the goal. You STUMBLE. You FALL. You CRY. You GET UP. You REASSESS and attempt to make the aforementioned upgrade one more time. You do this repeatedly and you do it with a smile on your face because you are officially on the path to greatness. You are growing up. 

In this's post, we are going to look at 10 mental shifts that will help make our goals a reality this year. Let’s call it the drop and pickup model. Here goes...

1. ENOUGHHH!!!!!!


While it’s true that each new year (or new moment) has the potential for a different experience, waiting for that different experience is not living… it's actually a slow and painful death. You decide when you've had enough and when you are ready for a change.


Personal responsibility is soooooo unsexy..... but also super duper real. You alone are responsible for your year, and you alone are responsible for how your life turns out. I didn't grasp this concept for a very long time. Think about it. When your time is up, say you are laying on your death bed all old and wrinkly, you are going to have a movie reel of your life playing in your head. You get to pick the theme song, the lighting, the actors, the love scenes, EVERYTHING. Do you like the movie you've made? Where did it take place? Were you the grumpy main character, or did you make new friends and experience new things? Did you laugh a lot, or did you mostly experience life through your office window? 





If you want something, it has to be compelling enough for you to get it. In other words, if your vision doesn't make you wanna do a Bey hair flip, it’s way too small. And small visions will not pull you out of bed in the morning. 


At Depth & Candor, we are moved by the people that get shit done. These are people who have visions bigger than themselves and aren't afraid to go for it. This year, what is stopping you from becoming that person? What is the biggest, boldest, baddest thing you've dreamt of doing? Can you start taking a tiny step towards that vision today?

My baby step of traveling for 1 month throughout Europe is part of a much bigger plan. My bigger vision is to have a life and career that lets me travel often with enough time to enjoy the places I get to travel to. Without this vision, traveling to Europe for a month seems pretty trivial. After all, isn’t this what most Americans do at some point in their lives?




I only semi-belive in astrology... but I am pretty sure they were studying me when they named Cancers super emotional creatures. If I am not aware, it’s so easy for me to define life through feelings. But differentiating facts from feelings is so crucial if you want to achieve anything…and especially if you want to do it WELL. The really detrimental thing about this is that getting overly attached to your feelings blocks you from thinking rationally about the future. In other words, feeling like the world will end if you don’t buy that dress is like saying, fuck travel plans!".which is of course, a lie. 


If you haven't heard of the Ego before, it’s basically the part of you that creates all the unnecessary stress in your life. It is also the part of you that gets you stuck in your feelings. Dropping your ego allows you to get to your goals without the extremely emotional peaks and valleys.


4. Stop being crazy... goals take time!

Drop: Impatience

I was born missing the patience gene… but the lesson here is very simple and I’ll be practicing it for life. Lacking patience leads to frustration. And frustration deters you from your goal. Patience is not a virtue for all of us because somewhere along the way, we decided that we deserved things NOW. Which is sad because lots of really good things take a long ass time. So every time you give up on a goal because it didn’t happen yesterday, you are giving up on what could have been the step you needed to making it happen. And of course, you are frustrating yourself along the way. 

Pick Up: Process-Oriented Thinking

Focusing on HOW you do things instead of what the end product looks like, allows you to be EXCELLENT. Think about your most accomplished (and happiest) coworker, classmate, friend, etc. I will bet you that they make the process fun, beautiful and creative. The end product then, is just the cherry on top. They are excellent because their process is excellent.

This is by far the best thing I learned in 2014. The vision of a jet setting lifestyle might pull me towards the end result, but the day to day tasks that go into making that goal a reality can be FUN!

Is it just me or is that the best news ever? You can have fun doing things that matter! You can have fun doing things that are bigger than you! 




Whether you are a recent grad trying to find your dream job, an amateur actor trying to make it to the big screen or a working woman contemplating grad school, fear will always come to visit. I’ve learned to see fear as an indication for desire. If you are on this site, you probably came here because you want to make an impact on the world  before your time is out, and in order to do that, you HAVE to practice drop kicking fear every chance you get. Maybe this year, you will introduce yourself to your dream employer, go for that audition that gives you goosebumps or write your grad school entrance essay from the heart. Use your fear as an opportunity to grow.

Pick Up: Confidence

Confidence, like patience, takes practice. It is a choice you make daily and you don't need a reason to be confident. The more you choose it, the easier it gets. Although it is easy to forget this in our consumer society, I’m learning and relearning that you can’t buy anything that will make you more confident, you have everything you need right now. Confidence is the integrity with which you do everything. Confidence is essentially the level of strength with which you approach life. And how much more fun would life be if you didn’t tremble in fear about all the cool new opportunities life has waiting for you.